Justin Bieber’s show originally scheduled for July 1, 2021 has been rescheduled to April 2, 2022. All tickets purchased for the originally scheduled date are still valid. For additional information about this rescheduled event, click here [https://rescheduled.aegpresents.com/]
- At this time, this event DOES NOT require proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test for entry. We will update ticket purchasers if this changes as well as posting on our venue social media sites.
- Bags are PROHIBITED Exceptions Upon Inspection: Medical bag, Diaper bag accompanying a child, and Hand clutch/Wallets - CANNOT exceed 8” X 5” x 1"
- PPG Paints Arena is a fully cashless arena, ensuring contactless options for food, beverage, and merchandise purchases. Cash will not be accepted. Reverse ATMs are available to convert cash to debit card.